Friday, May 29, 2020

Win-Win Solution to achieve 100% RE by 2030

Win-Win Solution to achieve 100% RE by 2030  

( this note is just to explore the true facts on some of the claims by lobby groups pressing the new government to follow aggressive Renewable targets following wealthy nations in Europe)

The instant demand of a power system is totally controlled by the customer. As customers, you don’t give call to the utility and  inform that you are  going to switch-on fan , water pump, AC etc. in advance.. at the time you switch it ON , utility has  to supply that demand. We can’t say you 'wait till we get rain or fuel ship, coal ship to arrive or wait till we get proper wind &  sunshine' . So the system should  have a good share of ‘Firm Power’ to provide the ever changing   demand which is  in your hand. On top of this, Sri Lanka is having a tiny , isolated power system which is not similar to large inter-connected systems available  in wealthy European countries ( to borrow power instantly in case of shortage)

It is bit difficult for us to explain  the general  public the difference between ‘Firm Power’  ( ex. Large Hydro with reservoir, Nuclear & Thermal Plants which are controlled by human)  and ‘ Non- Firm Power' ( ex. Solar & wind which depend on nature). The Internet Power Experts ( who depend on direct/indirect solar business and virtually living in Europe) know the difference ,  but tells lies to the innocent public . They simply say …There is nothing called Firm or Non-Firm – all are same . Or tell that ‘Non-firm’  can be converted ‘Firm’   with very small investment,  Battery prices are coming down sharply bla..bla..

If someone want to implement aggressive RE plans,  making variable solar and wind as the majour share of the system ( beyond the stability limits of this tiny isolated system),   solar and wind should also be converted to ' firm power'.

In case of  Solar,  to convert it to a ‘Firm’ energy source , you need to have Battery Banks or Pump Storage Hydro Power plants ( a special  hydro power plant which operate with  two large reservoirs) . Pump storage is the best option but if you take  Upper Kothmale and even ongoing hydro projects as examples, it takes 12-15 years to realized the project  , mainly due to the protests from environmentalist / local politicians and NGOs. On the other hand most of the  existing hydro schemes  are multi-purpose ( drinking,  agriculture & power which gives priority to drinking water during dry season).  In case of Pump Storage  it will be exclusively for power generation and all capital investment should be absorbed by the unit of  electricity.

With this  “80-100%  RE by 2030 @  at any cost target,  primary objective of this small  country seems to be saving the  entire world from Climate Change ? Proud to be a Sri Lankan !!!

However in that case   we can’t wait for another  15 years until these inefficient CEB engineers to construct large reservoirs. So Battery storage is the swiftest solution. Our Internet Power Experts continuously say all wealthy countries aggressively  going for Solar + Battery to save the world from climate change . If it is the world trend... why not we join.? We should also jump to the boat & lead the trend!!

But the innocent general  public should know  the real situation. The same vendors who says solar + battery is cheaper than other conventional firm power ( quoting thousands of web articles)  demanded for  exorbitantly high   prices when CEB call tenders.

In  2019, CEB called Expression of Interest to supply Solar/Wind +  Battery system. Here are the prices offered by these environment friendly , low cost  vendors backed by  Internet Power Experts.

Tender -1 : Battery Capacity-2.5MW (5MWh to be discharged in the night peak from 18.30hrs – 20.30hrs as per CEB request)
Proposal No
Rs. 78.80
Rs. 75.00
Rs. 47.98

Tender -2  Hybrid Power System - Wind, Solar, Battery  capacity-5MW, 10MWh to be discharged in the night peak from 18.30hrs – 20.30hrs
Proposal No
Rs. 88.87
Rs. 98.48
Rs. 54.98

Please note that the in case of solar , above prices are for charging the battery during entire daytime and release that total energy within a 2 hr period during night.
Solar vendors often blame CEB for paying Emergency Diesel Rs.28-29 per unit in short term. Em. Diesel is very bad though  it is Firm Energy and can't be compared with Variable version of Solar price. I personally believe   if  Solar +  Batt can come at least for Rs. 30/- per unit  for 1st 5 years and less than Rs. 20/- later, its worth considering them for 20 year contract. (Note: these are only thumb-rule figures without any cost analysis pl. ) 

CEB is supplying to Industrial Customers an electricity unit in the range Rs. 11-15/= .  ( CEB average cost of production of an electricity unit  over Rs. 22 now and Av . selling price is just above Rs.16). Even at this price, Sri Lankan products have become noncompetitive in the international markets due to advantages available (including low cost of electricity) for investors   in other countries like India, Bangladesh and Vietnam. Under this situation is PUCSL going to increase the tariff  just to pay exorbitant prices for solar vendors. ( Note: PUCSL has never declared cost- reflective tariff although that is one of their primary responsibility and all these losses  are pumped from tax payers money by the government) .  The government must look-after all the industries, not only RE industry just because they are making a big noise for their own personal advantages? Isn't it? 

However there is a win-win solution as well . PUCSL can declare a special  tariff  for aggressive RE lovers. For example the  rich  segment of the people in the country ( including these Internet Power Experts) whose primary objective is not to eradicate  poverty but to follow the world trends can pay a higher price. The utility must ensure that electricity  supply to them shall be only using variable renewable sources like Solar & Wind. Utility will be just a vehicle to transport   energy from Solar/Wind Plants  to wealthy customers.  The Unit Cost  should be  'firm version' of these VRE ( as indicated in above tables) .  PUC can revise the tariff  based on the actual costs in every 6 months.  As these experts  are very sure that by 2030 these costs become 20-30% of the existing due to rapidly decreasing Solar, Wind & Battery prices,  they will be the real winners by 2030. The poor customers like you & me , industries will also be able to switch to VRE ( firm version) and afford the  prices if it become really low. We all will be winners   by that time !!! 

Do you still believe there is no difference between firm vs variable power  pl watch this

Finally if you are still not sure that overall  electricity price of a country goes up with aggressive addition of variable RE  ? Then read these please


  1. I would like to have this be posted on my blog . However, we do need to identify and get permission from the author to do so!

    1. Dear Hasala- you can post it anywhere you like without editing. I am an old CEB engineer and I hv only 5 more years to work for the society. So I have no time to getting into endless arguments in social media. On the other hand there are restrictions for a Public Officer in expressing views in media. So I just try to express my views whenever I get some free time and want to be silent most of the time. My IT literacy is also not that good. During the corona break I managed to develop this Blog with the support of my son. I am not against RE but against lobbies who try to find their livings th' environment protection or Climate Change disregarding needs of the poor people in this country. My e-mail add is given on top of the blog- Regards Athula Wanniarachchi

    2. did you watch the documentary 'Planet of Humans'? seems it has been removed due to the pressure from so called Green-NGOs. If facts are wrong they should have replied without lobbing to remove it from Youtube.

  2. This article quoted is more than 2 years old.

    1. Dear Sir- pl. comment about the core msg here. The tender figures are in 2019, only few months old. Also pl. accept the fact "The only "Green Energy" is not using energy- JUST SAT NO TO CONSUMING " You are being carried away with these illusions? You are a respected , educated man. Although you are living in a comfortable country, I know you still love the poor people in this country. Understand the priorities for poor country like ours. We are in country where people were killed in a stampede, just to get Rs.1500/- for living, av. one get killed by elephant attacks per day., dengue is also an environmental issue, these NGOs, never talk about general env issues like plastic pollution in the country. They are interests are with earning money. wake-up sir !!! BTW Did you see the documentary 'Planet of the Humans' ? Do you agree that it has been removed due the pressure from ingenuine climate lovers?? where is the freedom expressing views??

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. "YouTube has taken down the controversial Michael Moore-produced documentary Planet of the Humans in response to a copyright infringement claim by a British environmental photographer.
      The movie, which has been condemned as inaccurate and misleading by climate scientists and activists, allegedly includes a clip used without the permission of the owner Toby Smith, who does not approve of the context in which his material is being used".--
      But it still visible from another video provider - The film got too many objections and comments against same. Not worth describing same again hear. Any way note  - - You need to act on this now

    4. Do you accept the fact "The only "Green Energy" is not using energy- JUST SAT NO TO CONSUMING "?
      also see
